Finding Affordable Dust Control



What is Dust Control?

Dust control, in a nutshell, is the process of minimizing the amount of dust flying in the air. However, there are different systems used for dust control. The industry has come up with different systems because a lot of different fields need dust control but since they have different needs, having different systems will help cater to all of them.

Dust control systems go from the really simple into the really complicated. Most roads, for instance, apply calcium nitrate which is easily mixed with water and used for dust control. It’s an effective system to use, but it’s also easily prepared. Some dust control systems involves chemicals that are also effective for heavy-duty dust control, but they can be a pain to prepare – taking a few couple of chemicals before they can be used.

The Importance of Dust Control

Dust control is very important, especially for areas surrounded by communities. If you are involved in a construction, for instance, then it’s important that the area uses dust control to protect not only the workers but also the people living around it.

What “protection” am I talking about? Studies have shown that dust can actually enter our system. And while our system screens dust, some can go deeper and cause allergies or asthma. Some can even cause severe illnesses that might be life-threatening if not treated right away.

Children and babies should also be protected from dust at all times. Because their immune system is weaker than adults, they are more susceptible to dust allergies. In fact, experts say that babies who were raised in dusty houses are more likely to grow up with dust allergies.

Affordable Dust Control

If you need dust control in your house, that can be easily and cheaply done. The first step is to clean your house regularly. Make sure to vacuum and clean windows so dust is minimized.

You might also want to replace curtains and heavy draperies with blinds. The former will gather dust faster than blinds

Another tip is to replace carpets with a different floor covering such as laminated floor or tiles. Carpets don’t only gather dusts, but it’s composed of tiny “hairs” that can flow into the air and mix with dust making the dust volume in your house heavier than usual.

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